Ну вот опять делaть нечего было, вот я и нaчaл доделывaть стишок который я когдaто нaчaл. Зaняло примерно чaсикa 2, порылся в мозгу конкретно чтоб хоть кaкуюнить рифму нa словa придумaть. Не судите жестоко у меня с aнглийским не очень...))) Если зaметите ошибки буду блaгодaрен, испрaвлю тутже )))
Searching for an answer I went into the past,
I felt how time was running so fast.
Going deeper in to my thoughts,
I heard the sound of the sea and yachts.
I opened my eyes and saw the sky,
Somewhere far away i heard a little girl's cry.
I rised up and shooked the sand from my jacket,
Then I noticed that there's a key in my pocket.
There was strong wind on the beach,
Going blind, looking for the abnormally speech.
I approached the little girl but on the sand were only dashes,
It seems that she scattered in to ashesh.
Once again with no one insight, I was left alone,
I looked in to the sky and saw a sign, so I sat on the stone.
I thought deeply what could that mean ?
Could it be that my soul is clean ?
So I arose from the stone and went further,
The wind was so strong but i knew that I'm getting closer.
After fhew hours i finaly reached smothing, it was a door,
So thats what the key was ment for.
I opened it, and I appeared in my room,
It wasn't like before, it more looked like a tomb.
And in the middle was the little girl from the beach,
She was trying something to reach.
I approached her and saw that it was a letter,
So I read it and there was only one line "It's all gona be better".
Flashes went by, like a storm in my mind,
They were so bright that I went completly blind.
Suddenly I appeared somewhere a place so bright,
All of it felt so strangely light.
Am I in heaven ? Is it possibly that I'm dead ?
No, it was only a dream, couse I'm in my bed.
Morning is here, and a new day begins,
Got to go to the church to wash off all of my sins.
Couse I can't stand these nightmares anymore,
I have to find something, I got to find a saviour.
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