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    1.  3 0

    nj_nj 6 (17804)341125 14 лет  

    Если этот кто-то собирается идти в турбизнес, то английский выучить надо полюбому


    1.  0 0

    Лёпик 5 (2849)818 14 лет  

    google tebe v pomo4

    1.  0 0

    May_Bee (35) 6 (6414)44282 14 лет  

    I am unemployed now. After graduating I am going to work in tourist business as an assistant of marketing department or as a manager assistant, but I also can begin with any job: a secretary or a courier and later get a promotion.

    1.  0 0

    Mrs_cardinal 5 (4533)231104 14 лет  

    I have any work now. After graduation I want go to work in the sphere of tourist business as an assistant in marketing department or  manager assistant, but good start could be in any post, maybe secretary or courier. And in the future have progress up in the career.

    1.  0 1

    Biznesman 6 (9884)229 14 лет  

    I have no work now. After graduation I want to go to work in the sphere of tourist business as an assistant in the marketing department or assistant manager, but you can start and begin with any position, get a secretary or a messenger. And in the future to receive advance up the career ladder.

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